Reincarnated as the Villainess's attendant

Chapter 409 134 - Meeting by the crystal lake (part 5)

Chapter 409 134 - Meeting by the crystal lake (part 5)

"...huh...? So even you don\'t know what it is about?"

Zoemi raised his brows and asked.

"I was sure that since you remember ancient times, you would know something – especially about a technique that completely erases mana, like the law of Aquarius... Not to mention that all of those laws seemed to at least ignore mana and magic in general. I had both shadow enchantments and shadow armor active when William got me with a punch empowered by the law of Capricorn and I was sent flying... That also must have messed up my mana reservoir, although if I remember correctly, I could use strong spells immediately after, so maybe it also had some lingering effects..."

He pointed out furrowing his brows realizing some details that didn\'t quite match.

"...I... hmm..."

Aspakeony opened her mouth just to close it again before furrowing her brows.

"Mana should be the only thing that can interact with a different type of mana. Are you sure that it wasn\'t just some really messed up variant attribute...?"

She ended up breathing out and asking with concern.

"Definitely not. William didn\'t have a unique shadow at all. He had no mana, at all. I would see something if he did."

Zoemi shook his head and cleared out.

"...just in case, you know about that Willitham guy killing Evorietto from...?"

"His name is William, and I know about it because I put one of my sentinels on Kiorterel first, but that little bugger decided it would be more beneficial to move to Elsby, so he did, and now apparently I have a deal with her."

The gray-haired necromancer asked so the black-haired boy answered her while trying to hide the fact that he expected that very sentinel to betray him.


Still, it seemed that Aspakeony might have come to that very confusion even without Zoemi openly telling her – at least judging by her worried expression and the short gasp.

"Alright, but the thing is - my head was already very hazy, but I am quite sure that William also said that the Heavenly Star nation was preparing to conquer our land, but because of me they would have to prepare more..."

Zoemi said, furrowing his brows to recall that last bit.

"...I\'ve heard about the weird white-haired florist representing the Moyena family, but they have denied ever sending a representative but no one said anything about any planned invasion - are you sure that one wasn\'t just something your brain made up after you got severely wounded...?"

Aspakeony frowned and muttered...

"...maybe...? Ugh... fine. Let\'s talk about my return to the Academy!"

The black-haired boy raised his hand as if he wanted to make another point but he gave up and change the subject to the more pressing one - at least at that moment.

"Well, the faster the better - if we won\'t make a fuss about it, maybe the people working for the queen will make a mistake and the kidnapping will continue, making it at least a little bit suspicious for the smarter kids, or at least their parents."

Aspakeony picked the subject enthusiastically and said while sliding over to the black-haired boy.

"Pffft... yeah... would be nice."

Zoemi snorted and rolled his eyes, full of douts in such a fortunate turn of events.

"It is worth a try..."

The gray-haired girl looked down and mumbled awkwardly and started moving her feet through the water again, this time without kicking it up though.

"True... that said, Aspy – I have a little idea that needs confirmation."

The black-haired boy tried to hold back a smile after watching Apaekony\'s cute behavior and asked to go along with his actual plan that he had while showing up before the real headmaster of the Aspakeony Academy.


Aspakeony stopped moving her legs and slowly turned to him with a grumpy expression, without actually saying anything.

"First of all – what year will I be coming back to...?"

Zoemi\'s first question was on the cautious side but had to ask, after all, he didn\'t spend all that much time in the Academy, and if it was his old world, then even with some complimentary lessons, he would have to repeat a year.

"Second year, of course. Why would that be even a question?"

The gray-haired girl shrugged her shoulders and shook her head with a confused expression, not really understanding what was the problem.

In the first place, Aspakeony Academy wasn\'t meant to be just a school for the children of noble families.

The ones who were enrolled were already adults in that world after all.

There were three main reasons for the Academy in its current form.

First – allowing the young nobles to make connections with one another.

For some of them, the friendship and the next step – an alliance – would not be possible because of the distance between the territories.

Getting the future leaders to at least get accustomed to each other was already extremely valuable.

Second – it gave time and opportunity for the already engaged students to get to know one another without forcing them into living together.

It might seem silly at the first glance, but it was a proven fact that engaged couples created by an arranged marriage were more likely to work out and last with the pair spending time together in the academy where they had a choice of meeting each other.

The three years of the Academy also gave more time for the single students to actually get engaged, as some relationships that started because of the people meeting in the academy would then turn into strong alliances between the noble houses that would not interact under any other circumstances.

And the third one was – well, although the students were already adults when they being their first year, the three years gave their parents time to get accustomed to no longer being in control of their children.

Some other excuses were added on top of that with time, but those were the original thoughts behind the creation of the Aspakeony Academy.

Most students were already trained with the use of magic, and the teachers were just there to either iron out the little flaws in techniques or make the students realize that they have still a long way in front of them – which usually meant that they would curb the overconfidence.

"No, no – just making sure."

Zoemi smiled at the confused Aspakeony and waved his hand dismissively.

"Then, the other question I have is... since I am a high noble, it is okay for me to bring an attendant?"

He asked with an innocent smile.

"Yes, obviously."

Aspakoeny furrowed her brows but nodded in confirmation regardless of what she thought about a question like that.

"Is there a rule about the identity of an attendant that I can bring with me?"


The black-haired boy asked with a mischievous smirk and made the gray-haired girl tilt her head.



It took her only a second to realize what – or rather who – Zoemi was alluding to, and she straightened her back and unintentionally stirred up the lake\'s surface.

"You don\'t mean that you want to make...!"

"Hey, I am a recovering patient, it should be obvious that I would have someone taking care of my health with me."

Aspakeony gasped, but Zoemi interrupted her in a casual voice and with a satisfied grin.

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