Reincarnated as the Villainess's attendant

Chapter 111 - 31 - Attendant’s Attending (part 1) [main]

|This must have cost a fortune! Is that why the heroine was absent yesterday? She was getting this? Is this her way of showing me support...?|

The black-haired attendant thought to himself in confusion while pocketing all the vials.

|No, wait, since she was absent, did she even know about what was going on...? Hmm... oh well, maybe someone told her...|

Zoemi thought to himself shrugging his shoulders...

"No... wait...!"

He suddenly straightened his back and stiffened in realization.


The black-haired boy clicked his tongue – he came up with a rather dangerous reason why the heroine might have gone out of her way to supply him with a large quantity of the expensive mana potions right after something bad happened to him...

The blond girl must have set her eyes on the gold-haired first prince and was trying to use the black-haired boy as a stepping stone to achieving that!

...was a baseless assumption that Zoemi made...

|But with this amount... Does she think that I\'m down because of the already dead rumor, and gave me all of that to cheer me up? Does she think that I can be bought that easily...?! Hah! She would have to get me at least a whole crate of those! Or two!|

The black-haired scoffed to himself while standing up with his pockets bursting from the vials with the blue liquid.

In truth - if the heroine wasn\'t the archnemesis of his master, then even Zoemi would be moved by the gesture and start thinking kindly about the blond girl.


The heroine was the greatest danger to Miriette after all and Zoemi knew about it all too well.


So, he shook his head with a sigh and got back into his room.

With this amount, he could start using mana conversion even more frequently than he already was during the evening training with the usual group of students less proficient with magic.

Yes - he was using that spell every day with their help – sometimes even getting Horeo to help him out too.

Around the sunset, the first prince would cast his absolutely weakest spell, light spark, and Zoemi would store it in his shadow, then Zoemi would let his mana slowly regenerate and he would use the mana conversion at the stored spell right before falling asleep.

It was more beneficial than the spells of the group he was training with as his mana conversion seemed to work best with light attribute spells, but Horeo wasn\'t always available after all, so the black-haired boy wasn\'t going to complain.

Zoemi wasn\'t sure how much his mana increased – but it was easier and easier to hold spells in his shadow, so his reservoir must have increased quite a lot.

He didn\'t try to fool himself that it was nearly enough to be actually useful, but at the same time, he was sure that he could pull off the entrance stunt from the beginning of the school without actually suffering from mana depletion!

"Hm hm hmmm~"

The black-haired boy hummed to himself while finishing making breakfast.

"Patishi, will you take this to the first prince today too? And by the way, how was it yesterday?"

Zoemi asked the brown-haired youth by his side with a smile.

Patishi nodded their head and blushed a little.

"Yes, big brother Zoemi! And the prince even asked me to help him with the chores!"

They boasted excitedly.

"Oh? He did?"

Zoemi raised his brows.

"So that\'s what he meant when he said that I don\'t need to worry... Then you must be doing a good job! I\'m proud of you!"

The black-haired boy said and affectionately messed up Patishi\'s head.


Patishi fidgeted under Zoemi\'s hand and giggled embarrassed but proud at the same time.

"The prince isn\'t making things hard for you, right? If you don\'t want to help him you can just tell me, I will help him out after class."

Still, Zoemi was a bit worried - Patishi was always working hard in the kitchen perfecting their skills, and the black-haired attendant didn\'t want his little sibling to cut short their own time for the prince.

"N-no! The first prince is very cool! I like helping him!"

Patishi shook their head vigorously and exclaimed with sparkling eyes.

"Oh? The first prince is cool?"

Zoemiraised his brows and asked with a soft smile, glancing at the youth.

"Yes! He\'s super cool and really really nice, and handsome and...! Ah...!"

Patishi gasped and blushed, covering their mouth with both hands, all while making an embarrassed expression.

"But you are cool too, big brother Zoemi!"

The youth added hurriedly to assure their big brother.

"...I see, I see. It makes me happy to hear that."

Zoemi tried his best not to burst out into laughter.

Seriously, Patishi looked too much like a puppy!

...and a love-struck maiden – but mostly a puppy...

After the preparations were completed, just like the day before, Zoemi and Patishi left the kitchen and went in two different directions.

Zoemi went to the twin\'s room and this time Teo opened the door for him before he even managed to raise his hand to knock – the short brown-haired girl must have been waiting for him since way earlier.

"S-sir Zoemi...! Are you really, really sure you don\'t hate m... us...?"

Teo asked all fidgety, bashfully looking up at the boy\'s face.

|And she\'s back to it again... How important am I for her?|

Zoemi, as an excellent pot didn\'t have any hesitation in calling the kettle black.

"I told you two that I don\'t hate you, I\'m actually very fond of you!"

|As fellow attendants.|

Although the last part should be said too, to clear things out, the black-haired boy merely thought it while smiling at the awestruck brown-haired girl.

"I still have time so if you want I can go and feed you again if that will make your recovery faster."

"Ah...! AH....! Wou-would do that?! Yes please!"

Teo gasped in disbelief at Zoemi\'s words but it didn\'t take long for her to grab the bait and the girl hurriedly moved away, making place for the black-haired boy to enter.

Their room was still as special as before, it was brightly lit by many magic crystal lamps illuminating the literal vegetable garden under the window, while all the furniture comprising of the desks, wardrobe, and beds was stuffed in the corner as an afterthought.

"I am still worried that you two will get in trouble for this... aren\'t you worried that a passing teacher will catch a glimpse of your miniature field and ask for explanation even without an inspection?"

The black-haired boy asked, thinking about a certain blue-teacher who could go invisible and would patrol the hallways at night...

...although thinking about it, Rokiana had no more reason for doing that since her connection with Sifra Ralia has been broken...

"No problem - we are careful about entering and exiting our room - it\'s only different when you visit us.

Responded Veo - although for a moment Zoemi couldn\'t localize her.

"Oh? I see. then, back to the breakfast - how about you Veo? Do you want me to feed you too?\'

Zoemi asked the older twin - who turned out to be in the middle of tending the vegetables.

"She doesn\'t!"

"Thank you for your offer but I\'m good."


Both twins spoke at the same time, and Zoemi glanced at Teo who blushed in embarrassment.

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