My Dearest General: It Has Always Been You

Chapter 243 - You Have A Healthy Son

The members of Special Forces were shocked to find out that Jin Renguang was going to be married to their little sister. Originally, they all cheered for him as they held the wedding invitation in their hands, but when they saw the name of the bride \'Yan Jihuan\' and not \'Ru Meiqi\', they were all dumbfounded.

Jin Renguang pulled up an ugly smile. "You should all come."

Rumors started to spread in the army. The wedding should be a joyous occasion, but the atmosphere was strangely suffocating. The bride was absent these past few days and there wasn\'t an ounce of happiness in the groom\'s face.

If one asked Jin Renguang whether he hated Yan Jihuan or not, of course, he would unhesitatingly answer: yes, he did. Even more so, he hated himself. Hated to the bone. He couldn\'t forgive Yan Jihuan for coming between his and Ru Meiqi\'s love and he couldn\'t forgive himself either for ruining everything.

The wedding reception was set in the fourth month of Yan Jihuan\'s pregnancy but shortly after Jin Renguang came out to his family, he had gone to receive a marriage certificate with Yan Jihuan. So, even though they hadn\'t publicized it yet, she had already become his legal wife.

On the day of the reception, their relationships had thawed even though there was still a tangible strain between them. Up to this day, Jin Renguang still loved Ru Meiqi dearly. The pain was still there, in the corner of his heart, bound and locked by thick layer of chains named principles and responsibilities. 

Slowly, he learned to accept.

Jin Renguang had always been a highly adaptable person. He forced himself to work, forced himself to smile, forced himself to be okay, and slowly, he did. He crawled out from the pit of despair and returned to the usual him.

Yes, Jin Renguang still hated Yan Jihuan a lot, but interwoven with the hatred, there was a tinge of affection mixing in along with the passage of time. After all, everytime he returned home after a long tiring day, there was another person who was waiting for him with a warm smile and a small bump on her stomach. The house that used to be cold and silent slowly grew warm and cordial. Even when he was a rock, his hard surface would have still been eroded by now.

Jin Renguang started to care about Yan Jihuan and their baby\'s wellbeing. Just like how he said he would, he gradually learned how to be a responsible father.

During years of their intense missions, Yan Jihuan had sustained numerous injuries, both light and heavy. There were some complications left which impacted the baby\'s growth. The doctor told them that everything would be okay, that Jin Renguang just had to pay attention to Yan Jihuan\'s mood and her healthy diet.

In the seventh to eighth month of her pregnancy, it was as if they had truly become husband and wife. Jin Renguang would fuss everytime Yan Jihuan walked around without him, and no matter what Yan Jihuan craved for, he would go out and search for it even in the middle of the night or wee hours in the morning. He also learned to cook for her.

Until one day, Yan Jihuan\'s pregnancy entered a perilous phase. The woman had a weaker uterus than average. In addition, the baby\'s position wasn\'t quite right and sometimes, she would have internal bleeding which frightened Jin Renguang so much more than the rain of artillery bullets.

When Yan Jihuan was pushed into the labor room, she had lost consciousness with her lower body drenched in blood. The doctor solemnly told Jin Renguang to prepare for the worst. He had never felt so helpless before. 

Why? Why did everything seem to never go right when it came to the people he cared for?

Jin Renguang slipped on the sterile clothing and followed Yan Jihuan into the operation. There, he held his wife\'s hand, whispering words of encouragement and comfort, although he didn\'t know whether Yan Jihuan would be able to hear him.

Blood, lots of blood covered his sight. Jin Renguang had never been scared of blood before, but now, he found his knees weakened and he almost staggered when the machine started to beep wildly.

"Doctor, the mother\'s blood pressure is dropping too quickly!"

"It\'s excessive bleeding. We have to bring the baby out as soon as possible!"

That was the longest six hours in Jin Renguang\'s life. In the end, soft, weak cries reverberated throughout the room and everyone collectively sighed in relief. "Congratulations Mr. Jin—" The doctor paused, her expression turned strange for a moment.

Jin Renguang felt his heart sink to the pit of his stomach. "D—Doctor, is there something wrong with my child?"

The doctor stretched a smile. "It\'s a little weaker than average because it\'s born premature. We have to take more tests to find out but right now, all indicators are normal. Congratulations Mr. Jin, you have a healthy son."

He didn\'t know how to describe his feelings. Gratification, astonishment, awe and affection. He had loved his baby even before he saw him. However, all of those feelings morphed into horror and disbelief when he cradled the baby in his arms.

His son—his baby which he had waited for so long—had a tuft of blonde hair on his head and when his eyelids fluttered open, a pair of dazzling blue eyes blinked at Jin Renguang. It was like the sky crashed down his head for the second time. He felt the long lost despair and helplessness deep in his bones.

So…that\'s why the doctor had such a strange expression.

They were obviously Chinese with black hair and black eyes, so…how did their baby turn out to be blonde and blue eyed?

Shortly after, Yan Jihuan roused from her sleep, eyes blinking dazedly. She saw the familiar silhouette of her husband at first sight. "Brother Jin…" She panted lightly, still weak from the aftermath of the surgery.

Jin Renguang\'s back stiffened and slowly, he turned around. There was no joy or excitement she had visioned, instead, he had the same expression as when she woke up on his bed eight months ago. "W—What\'s wrong? The baby—"

Only then did she take a clear look at her baby, and her whole being was stunned silly by the sight.

Jin Renguang trembled, his whole body exuded raging fury and disbelief. "Yan Jihuan, what do you mean by this?"




A/N: Σ(°ロ°) oh God, idk what I would do if I were in Jin Renguang\'s position. He...He\'s too pitiful .゜゜(´O`) ゜゜.he has been waiting for his baby for months, force himself to accept Yan Jihuan\'s presence and even grew some affection for her, but in the end, he was cheated thoroughly....

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