Mystical Journey

Chapter 945 - Rush 1

Chapter 945: Rush 1

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

When he left the special ability space, Garen was in a great mood.

In the world of Energy Machinists, he did indeed get different inspirations from all sorts of knowledge. In this high tech era, this Universal Age, this sort of information was the largest motivator. Every second of every day, there would be clashes between intelligence and flashes of thought.

In the stone basement, it was all quiet. He could hear almost nothing from outside, evidently the Predators had yet to begin their large-scale attack.

Garen glanced at the Biochemical Pool, he had used up more than half of the biochemical liquid inside, even the color was looking slightly pale. Still, it looked like it had some uses left in it.

“It’s too bad, if the biochemical liquid was better, I could reduce the production time of the Big Wild Wolves. One an hour would be easy.”

Garen sighed for a while, and began the production the seventh Big Wild Wolf anew before he walked out of the basement. There was a small hall on the first floor, and East Perrin was sitting, or rather leaning on a damaged metal chair. Her long hair cascaded down, and she slept deeply in the chair, leaning crookedly. She really did look utterly exhausted.

There were several pots of properly processed materials next to her, these seemed to have just arrived. He had no idea when she had left the town, as more Predators gathered outside, it grew more and more dangerous to go out. He had no idea what pains and tribulations she had to go through to obtain this pot of materials.

Garen was slightly moved.

He looked at East Perrin’s sexy slanted figure, her pretty features, the grey clothes she wore pressing her breasts into a seductive cleavage. Her long legs were closed tightly, practically revealing that shape between her legs. This woman was not wearing underwear...

“If she was in the regions, such a beauty would surely have a sponsor, and end up a canary in a golden cage, huh? But in the radiation belt, she had fought her way to the position of leader of a town. When two people have the same natural talent, a large difference lies in the surroundings, huh?”

Seeing that East Perrin was sleeping soundly, Garen decided not to disturb her. Perhaps after the next sunrise, there would be a drawn-out, large-scale defense battle. Those who were lucky might survive, but those who were so fortunate would be glad to get off with death, rumor had it that some Predators liked to slowly chew away at someone’s limbs while they were still alive. They would emit a toxin with numbing effects, paralyzing a person’s senses, so that the victim could watch his legs being eaten off with his own eyes before dying, or even seeing his whole lower half getting slowly chewed and divided up.

Even Garen felt that such a horrific scene would be too cruel.

Walking out of the stone house, he saw that the sky, about to break into dawn, was completely pitch-black. Even the moon and stars had been hidden behind the clouds, the weather growing more and more oppressive, as though there was a storm coming.

Garen could clearly feel the oppressive air of nervousness outside.

The six Big Wild Wolves were either standing or sprawled on the wall, some of them walking, others resting with their eyes closed.

From a distance, he could see the wandering green wolf eyes on the wall.

Their presence had given the town’s remaining residents a strong sense of security, as though they were an automatic defense line. Without anyone watching them, they could still constantly protect everyone.

Garen’s appearance seemed to have surprised the people outside, and he could see signs of cooking fires all around. Evidently, the current townspeople were using this underground basement as the center of the city.

The other ten, including East Perrin, all surrounded Garen’s basement.

“It’s starting...” Garen saw Malone come over and heard him speak softly.

“Yeah, they should attack at dawn.” Garen nodded.

The other eight had all gathered here, two of them children and the other six adults. The impulsive young man who had argued against Garen yesterday was here too, as well as that middle-aged woman who scolded him. The many dirty faces surrounded Garen. They each held the gun and ammunition with the strongest resultant force in their hands, it was a submachine gun that was similar to a service pistol.

“I’m afraid we won’t be able to defend this place...” Garen shook his head. “The place is too big. There are too many areas to defend, if they come with a large-scale attack, the Predators won’t just attack from one side like before, they will surely attack from all sides, and climb the walls at the same time.

“We can choose the most solid building to protect as our base,” someone suggested.

“But that way we’ll eventually be trapped there until we die!” retorted the middle-aged woman.

“That’s right,” Garen nodded in agreement. “Indeed, we’ll just end up being surrounded until we die. We’ll need to find a secure place that would be most easily defended, and use that as our new base, we can’t stay here anymore... Or else we’ll all die!”

Everyone fell silent at his words. Actually, none of them were stupid, those who could make it this far were all elites who were stronger in physical and mental capacity. Everyone had thought of that, but their attachment to Leo City made them reluctant to leave it. Now that Garen had voiced it out, however, no one would object.

Because everyone knew that he spoke the truth.

“With the six Big Wild Wolves around now, we can still rest for a while, but we might not have so much time after that,” said Garen calmly. “That’s why I need you to think properly, we need to find a place with a water that’s easily defended, preferably with only one or two sides that need defending. That would greatly reduce our burden.”

“How about Radiation Lake?” asked Malone in a small voice. “I remember there was a very large underground cave there.”

“Maybe not a cave, the Predators came from underground, they might know other ways of digging,” Garen shook his head.

“Then what about on top of the mountain?” The one who spoke was a petite young girl, her face was covered in mud so her features could not be seen clearly, but there did seem to be many bloody scars all over her face. Still, she seemed to have developed very nicely, revealing her fair white waist, white bandages wound around her chest several times tightly. And then she used her long black hair to cover it.

“Her name is Sinno(1), she’s the daughter of Sincan, who was the strongest hunter in town. When she was young, she thought that her pretty face would invite trouble and danger, so she carved up her own face with a knife. She’s a feisty one,” Malone introduced the situation to Garen softly. “Never underestimate her because she’s a woman, of all the adults here, she is the most capable in battle.”

That meant she was the number one battle general.

Garen knew what Malone meant, the strongest person in the whole town was actually this girl called Sinno, who looked no older than twenty. She did not look very buff or muscular either, and instead gave off a very nimble impression. She was clearly a skilled and agile fighter.

Normally, if he could win over the strongest fighter in a group, he would be able to easily earn the respect of the group, that was the way things usually worked.

Malone’s explanation also probably meant that he hoped Garen could convince this Sinno.

“Sinno, was it?” Garen looked at the girl. “Where do you mean by on top of the mountain?”

“I once ran in the wilderness for three days and nights in pursuit of a mutated beast, but finally I got careless and was attacked. As I was near death, I accidentally discovered a natural barrier that could be used for defending,” said Sinno calmly. “The mountain peak there is a large round disc, surrounded by cliffs everywhere, and there’s only one way up the mountain. Even that way is just a very narrow crack in the cliffs.”

“How about the mountain rock?” Garen asked with a frown. “If the rock is not hard enough, the Predators can still dig through and destroy the internal structure of the mountain.”

“I’m not sure about that.” Sinno shook her head. She was no expert on this, so naturally she would not have noticed the hardness of the rock or anything like that.”

“Are there any other places?” asked Garen, looking around him.

“What about the ancient cities?” Malone spoke.

“No, the radiation levels are too high there, no one can survive without protection.” Garen shook his head slightly. He had been to the ruins of an ancient city before, it looked like a very complete mechanical city, and even the anti-gravity levitating airships were completely undamaged, but there was no one there, simply because everything there had extremely intense malicious radiation.

Even he needed to use the Cold Radiation constantly to resist it before he could safely pass through. Even if an average person dressed in a hazmat suit and stayed in the Mech, they would not dare to stay for long. Rumor had it that there were documents stating that someone had sent an intelligent unmanned bot inside to explore, but even the unmanned bot could only stay there for less than a dozen minutes before it would start to melt and meld under the radiation, becoming part of the ancient city. Severing the connection.

“Don’t even consider the ancient city, it’s far too dangerous,” Garen rejected it again.

“We’ll just go to the mountaintop that Sinno suggested! Everyone, make your preparations!” said Garen loudly.

Everyone instantly scattered, and began to gather the things they needed. Regarding the transport they would leave with, Garen found a small airship that could just fit the ten of them, but it could not go very high, so it would surely be attacked by the Predators. That just meant that the crucial point lay in how they would break through the enemy ranks...

Considering the Predators’ thick skin that acted as a shield for long-range attacks, Garen woke East Perrin up and asked her to find some of the heavy rotary propellers that they had pulled out of the garbage pile. These were ancient antiques that only rotary propeller plans could use, but they were extremely huge, and almost half as long as the airship. After they sharpened the sides of the rotary propeller, the back and either side of the huge propellers had become a terrifying weapon that could cut and kill. The sparkling silver edges of the propeller were like sharp blades.

“Make them spin.” Garen ordered people to hurriedly attach three engines from the trucks on land to the propellers, and the high-efficiency engines were plenty powerful enough. The modification took just over ten minutes, everyone working against the clock at lightning speed.

“Make ’em spin!”

Garen stood behind the airship and yelled, pointing at the rotary propellers.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh...

The engines instantly started, and the propellers began to turn fiercely, creating a terrifying in their wake.

Garen picked up a piece of wood randomly and tossed it. With a crack, the plank was instantly cut into several pieces that shot away in all directions, nearly hitting some people.

He nodded in satisfaction and organized the people to pile up the bodies of the battle-dead, piling them all up at the entrance to the very center of the city. This was so that the bodies could become bait, tempting the Predators to come in and eat, thus buying a little more time for the survivors.

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