League of Legends: League of Unknowns

Chapter 444 - he Support Restrains Three Carries!

Chapter 444: The Support Restrains Three Carries!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Hades frowned. This Fighting Hawk, his Flash position was just so so sly.

Why did he say so?

Fighting Hawk was in the Wright camp and he didn’t choose to Flash into the middle lane. Instead, he chose to go to Hades’ previous position across the wall. In other words, he exchanged places with Hades.

With Flash in hand, Hades had used the full advantage of his three Qs to flip over the wall. Once he landed, he couldn’t follow up by unleashing his terrifying damage because he had used up his Q, and needed to wait for it to refresh.

He intended to jump over to solo kill Fighting Hawk, but this guy had Flashed out the same moment that Hades landed.

Other more impulsive Mid players might have immediately followed up with a Flash, launching an onslaught that would surely kill this d*mn Support that deserved to die.

The question was, would Hades trade his Flash for this kill?

At this stage, Riven’s Flash was extremely important in team fights. Trading it to kill a Support was such a waste, and not to mention the following damage he could deal would be weakened.

This Fighting Hawk just had to Flash back to where he came from, as though he wanted to 1v3.

“Ohh, Crystallize, slow effect from the ulti, and Flash Frost! Captain Yu has Flashed directly into that position, and is using himself to attract the attention of the three of them!”

The screen cut to where Yu Luocheng was standing. Everyone saw the exchange of positions across the wall that was between Hades and Yu Luocheng.

Once their positions flipped, Yu Luocheng didn’t run, but instead activated his ulti to slow Elise and Graves who were blocked by the wall!


“Why could Captain Yu Flash there? Isn’t that just digging his own grave?!” shouted Mao.

The position of Yu Luocheng’s Flash was just too weird. Why would he Flash to that side instead of towards the middle lane? That way, he wouldn’t be caught by Elise and Graves.

“Idiot, as a Support, he’s obviously pulling the attention of their Mid, ADC, and Jungler. He’s clearly trying to buy time for his team to kill off Rengar and Annie!” said Feng Da, violently slapping the back of Mao’s head.

Don’t simply assume things if you don’t know what’s going on. Yu Luocheng’s Flash was obviously a ploy to sacrifice himself to protect his team.

Anivia had a lot of CC skills, and Team Daemon’s formation has been scattered due to her ice wall. However, Riven had already managed to jump over it and Elise could probably Flash over too.

The situation with Graves was a bit hard to say, as the difference in gold was too much. The five seconds in dividing the battlefield couldn’t be taken back, and Rengar was quite resistant in a fight.

At this time, the best thing to do is to just continue to restrain them!

As Bao Jun said, Yu Luocheng was holding the attention of the three of them. They weren’t expecting a lot of damage from Anivia, all he needed to do was restrain the opponent ADC, Mid, and Jungler for as long as possible.

Yu Luocheng chose Anivia as Support. Unlike other Support champions, she has two lives. These two lives gave him more time to restrain the enemy, and more importantly, he even had a Guardian Angel.

This way, his Anivia had three lives!

These three lives would definitely hold the enemy ADC for quite a while, and also waste the majority of their time. And in this span of time, Yu Luocheng’s skills would also continue to work…

Anivia’s kiting and CC abilities were really too strong. The impassable ice wall, the stun from her Q, and the slow effect together with big range from her ulti. With the fight being in such a narrow space, Anivia’s CC can be maximised to the fullest.

So, will the enemy come for him or not?

If they did, it would take him at least ten seconds to take down three lives. If they didn’t, then his CC would annoy the h*ll out of them!


The later the game, the more you realize how disgusting of a Support Anivia is. If she was a Mid, you would have to use everything to kill off both her lives.

But she had to be the least important role in a team fight, a Support of all things…

As long as Anivia has passed the early game and built a Guardian Angel in mid game, with this kind of item, won’t she last even longer than a tank?

And apart from Leona, who else can compete with her in terms of CC? Leona’s skills were restrictive, easy to miss, and unable to bring the effects that Anivia had, like dividing the battlefield…

Of course, that was provided that you have a good understanding of Anivia. Otherwise, you would just be a bird that locks out your teammates and sends them to their deaths.


Asmodai stared grimly at his screen, he couldn’t help but admire Fighting Hawk Yu Luocheng’s capabilities. Even as only a Support, he was able to contribute so much to his team.

It was hard to believe that a single person was able to restrain the three main damage dealers and even ensure that he doesn’t die!

For an instant, Asmodai didn’t know what to do and could only wait for the ice wall to end.

The restrain Yu Luocheng had over the ADC was only seven seconds long, and in this time, Elise didn’t deal any damage either. Hades’ Riven had gone for Da Luo’s Shyvanna, throwing out some assault on her.

And Rengar who had been enclosed in a cage, his health was dropping rapidly. It was as though he was standing alone to tank all four members of Team Skycrown. If not for his items which were super tanky, Charon’s Rengar would have been killed in that moment when they were split up.

At a glance, Charon saw that his teammates were only now following up, and decided to pull back. Trading places with Elise, he relied on his items and passive to gain some health back.

Mephistopheles’ Annie had already died. Once she Flashed in, it was impossible for her not to die from the hacking of Olaf’s axes.

And Hades’ skills were finally refreshed for the next bout of combos. He had been loitering about the battlefield, with his fingers already on the Flash key.

In this narrow path, Anivia was able to beautifully utilize her abilities to the fullest. Similarly, with Flash in hand, it was easy for Riven to kill anybody in this narrow path.

The first target in Riven’s eyes was Lin Dong’s Ezreal.

So what if you have E—Arcane Shift—to jump away, I won’t even give you the time to jump!

For Fighting Hawk to be able to restrain three people, this really made Hades admire him. This assistance was really the most perfect contribution that a Support could give to the team, but this was also a mere delay in the tempo of their slaughter.

His Runic Blade would still splatter the blood of those who had to die!

This time, Hades unleashed his first two Qs, keeping his third recast of Broken Wings. Seeing Olaf and Ezreal rushing towards him, Hades pretended to retreat and let Ezreal attack him. At the moment that Ezreal stepped forward, Hades went back in with an E and Flash.

This movement covered almost 900 range, nobody could dodge this, no matter how fast your fingers were.


Riven released her ulti—Blade of the Exile—at the same time as her W, Ki Burst. With a stun lasting 0.75 seconds, Ezreal was sure to die!

Hades’ Riven threw out an A and followed up immediately with the third recast of Broken Wings, knocking Ezreal upwards. He launched an Ignite and another A, and finally a Wind Slash to finish it off.

Riven’s complete combo was not even finished yet, but with this W+A+Q+A+R combo, Lin Dong’s Ezreal was already almost dead within one second. If it wasn’t for the fact that Lin Dong had Barrier, his remaining health would definitely have been taken away by the Ignite.

“That damage, too scary!!”

The entire arena sucked in their breath.

The Flash killing that Hades performed was really like a predator killing its prey. It was amazing how he was still able to unleash this kind of detailed maneuver in the midst of such a chaotic battle.

“D*mn it, just a bit more!!”

Hades watched as Ezreal retreated with that little bit of health, annoyance boiling in his heart.

There was still a slight deviation in the calculations of his damage. If he had slightly more armor penetration, he definitely would have been able to kill off the ADC, and this team fight would have been a win for Team Daemons.

Leaving Ezreal with only a tiny bit of health, Hades turned around and realized that Asmodai’s Graves was being blocked off by Shyvanna. He couldn’t focus his damage on others, he needed to deal with Shyvanna…

Ezreal and Syndra both had quite a long range. If you didn’t kill them instantly, they could possibly still deal damage.Their Annie had been sacrificed earlier due to the divide, and Charon’s Rengar wasn’t looking too good either, with only one fourth of his health left.

Elise was protecting Asmodai, and was hard pressed to deal with the two squishy champions. The situation had suddenly become quite severe.

They couldn’t lose this fight. If they did, then their opponent would immediately take Baron!

After taking Baron, Team Skycrown’s gold would be recouped by a lot. And if you were to look in terms of lineup, Team Skycrown actually had a slight advantage. You especially cannot underestimate the effect of Anivia’s ulti when unleashed in a team fight.

As long as you gave Fighting Hawk’s Anivia a chance to build Liandry’s Torment, the additional four percent of magic damage it dealt would be extremely terrifying in terms of damage output from their team.

Without any more skills, Hades could only start to pull back. Chasing down an Ezreal who had Flash didn’t make any sense and had no benefit, not to mention all his skills were on cooldown at the moment.

Just as he turned, he came face to face with The Berserker—Olaf!

The axe came in a downward swing, and the true damage from Olaf caused Hades’ health to drop by a huge chunk. Suddenly, Riven only had about half of her health left and Syndra was unleashing her skills from a distance.

Each skill that landed would be fatal, as once all the attacks were focused on Riven, she would easily be taken down.


Suddenly, Hades saw Charon’s Rengar heading towards his direction.

Startled, Hades hurriedly said, “Char, don’t come over!”

The entire team knew that they were giving their all in this match, for Asmodai’s sake. They had to beautifully send off their teammate who had been with them for four to five years.

Unfortunately, they were too rash. They shouldn’t have underestimated Anivia’s usefulness. The few skills thrown by Fighting Hawk had completely disrupted their initially perfect plays, and with the items he had, he had managed to restrain the three main damage dealers.

So what if they had a gold lead of seven thousand? It meant nothing if they couldn’t even deal any damage and instead let their enemies sink their teeth into two of their teammates.

Charon didn’t have much health left either, it didn’t make much sense for him to come over to take the damage…


Suddenly, Charon Flashed directly into the bushes in the narrow path.


The hunter jumped smoothly, pouncing down directly on Lin Dong’s Ezreal.


Lin Dong was unable to react at all, dying to the claws of Rengar with just a hop and a skip.

Hades froze, and then his heart burst with enthusiasm! “Char, that was awesome!”

Almost everyone thought that Rengar had rushed over to rescue Hades’ Riven. Nobody expected him to pull off such a sly move, Flashing into the bush and using it to propel himself towards Ezreal who was shooting his Q from a distance.

Lin Dong had Flash on him, but Charon’s maneuver was just too beautiful. It was so unexpected that Lin Dong couldn’t even press Flash before he was taken down!

The entire arena was in a frenzy, this was a Rengar who could fly. The smooth and swift movement was just too cool, it had made everyone watching the battle completely explode in excitement!

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