Divinity: Against The Godly System

Chapter 231 Two Factions

Chapter 231: Two Factions

" Yeah. We need some answers about them, and only your father can answer," Ryder let out as he looked at Devilia. "Why are you worried about your father coming, though? Are you nervous about meeting him after so long?"

"Hahaha, her father is kind of different. He is a little too doting. I think Devilia finds herself embarrassed whenever she is near someone with her father. You’ll see what I mean when he comes," High Duke Mila chucked as she explained to Ryder.

"Interesting," Ryder muttered as he smiled.

The servant came inside the Great Hall with another seat. The seat was placed near Rale’s seat.

Everyone was seated now.

"Fine, Duke Devilia. Let me start by asking you about your Duchy. What are the problems you face if there are any, and what help do you expect from the crown," Ryder asked in a straightforward manner.

"There are no major problems that I can’t handle. Everything’s going smoothly, but there is one thing that’s creating trouble for me. You know, one of the Dukes that didn’t come to the Birthday Celebration of High Duke Oris controls the neighboring duchy. There is a group of Demons from his area that enters my land and harasses the citizens. I don’t want to have to take drastic measures to solve the problem, but talking doesn’t work either," Devilia started explaining about a problematic matter that she was facing.

"Duke Floris refuses to do anything about this matter. I’m controlling myself so much. I think one day, when I can’t control myself, I’ll enter his duchy and destroy that clan, even if that escalates things," She told Ryder.

"Oh? You did well. There’s no benefit in escalating things without telling the Crown. I’ll handle the matter when I go to his land next," Ryder told Devilia as he nodded his head.

" That would be great," Devilia let out as she smiled.

" How is the problem of missing demons in your place?" Ryder inquired.

"It’s in control. There are some demons that commit murders, but the guards have been doing great to keep them in check," Devilia responded.

"That’s good. I’ll talk to the citizens tomorrow. It’s good if they don’t have the problems and the ones they have is the one I know about," Ryder nodded his head.

"When exactly will your father be here, by the way?" Ryder asked Devilia.

"He should be here soon. By the evening, I believe," Devilia replied to Ryder.

Ryder looked in the direction of Miku.

" Miku, you sent out our schedule to the other Dukes, right? I want to finish all the trips in four days. You have something else to do on the 5th day," Ryder told Miku.

"Yes, Your Highness. I sent the Royal Guards with the schedule. They will be ready with the citizens so that you can directly talk to the citizens and give your speech without any delay," Miku replied to Ryder.

"Good. That’s all for today then. Let’s go out to see the Duchy," Ryder let out as he stood up.

During the next two hours, Ryder and the others roamed through the duchy. The Marquis from various places of the duchy were here as well to meet Ryder.

Ryder and the others walked through the marketplace of the Place, surrounded by the Royal Guards and the Marquis.

The citizens greeted Ryder excitedly wherever he passed through as they saw his glory.

"This is known as a luck crystal. It is said to give a person good luck," Devilia picked a Crystal from the store and showed it to Ryder. They stood close to each other as they looked at the crystal.

High Duke Mila was looking at a different Crystal while Rale was keeping an eye on the surroundings.

"Devilia!" Someone suddenly shouted.

Ryder looks back to see who dared to call a Duke by her name.

He saw a man who seemed to be in his early 40s. The man had dark hair, opposite of the shiny silver hair of Devilia.

While Ryder was wondering who the man was, he saw Devilia step back in fear.

’ Someone who can scare Devilia? Is he...?’ Ryder thought as he frowned.

"Hahaha, Come to your sweet daddy, little girl! Why are you standing there?" the man laughed out loud.

’I was right. He is her father. There is no doubt about that,’ Ryder thought as he smiled wryly.

" This guy? You already found a lover? My daughter has grown up to be such a pretty lady, and she already found a lover too. Sigh, this man was so busy in his work, he didn’t even know. Don’t worry, baby girl; Father is here now! I’ll arrange everything! I’ll invite everyone! We’ll have the marriage next week," The Man walked up to Devilia as he held her hand with tears in her eyes.

"F-father, it’s not..."

While Devilia was trying to explain, the man looked in the direction of the man.

"Son in law! You’re getting married to my precious daughter. Take care of her always! Also, have some sweet kids. I want a few cute grandkids to show off to other old men," The man let out as he walked closer to Ryder, but before he could get there, Rale moved ahead and stood before Ryder.

" It’s fine, Rale. He’s her father, I’m safe," Ryder let out as he smiled.

Rale nodded his head and stepped to the side.

The middle-aged man stopped walking towards him as his attention was attracted by Rale.

"It’s you! How come I didn’t notice you were here. You listened to his orders, so he must be..." the man suddenly linked the pieces together as he recognized the identity of Ryder.

"Little Girl? You and His Highness are lovers?! I didn’t expect that. I’m happy for you two," The man let out as he smiled happily.

"Calm down, old man! You still haven’t corrected that habit of yours to be overly emotional before your daughter! He’s not her lover," High Duke Mila came forward and stood beside Ryder.

"High Duke Mila? You’re here as well?" the man let out with a surprised look on his face.

"Don’t tell me; he’s your lover too? Are you taking the main wife position?" the man exclaimed with the shocked look on his face.

" Little girl? Are you really fine with the position of the concubine?" The Man let out as he looked back at Devilia.

High Duke Mila can’t help but sigh.

" Sometimes, I really wonder how you’re one of the seven leaders of our Spy Unit," High Duke Mila said as she glanced at the middle-aged man.

"Listen, old man, none of us is anyone’s lover. Even if we were, I would definitely be the one taking the main wife position. Anyway, We are here on an official trip. We’ll be going everywhere and meeting all Dukes. So throw that idiotic though out of your hand and stop making a show before the citizens," High Duke Mila said in a stern tone.

"We should go back now," High Duke Mila suggested to Ryder.

"Yeah, since her father is here, it’s better to go back and listen to his report about what he found out," Ryder nodded his head as he agreed.

All of them went back to the Palace of High Duke Devilia.

Ryder and the others were sitting in the great hall, looking at Devilia’s father, Sulovan.

"So, Master Sulovan. You spent the last many years in the Death Domain. According to our information, the Death Domain is making some strange movements. They entered even the Human Realm. They wiped out an entire village. Can you tell us more and what they might be trying to do?" Ryder inquired.

Devilia’s Father was genuinely surprised as he heard Ryder’s word.

"I’m surprised. I didn’t expect that the information about that can come here so fast? Do we have a spy in the human realm too now?" Sulovan asked in surprise.

"That’s for me to know. You tell me what you know. If we have a spy or how we got the information will not change anything. Just tell us what you know," Ryder let out in a tone that wasn’t hostile but didn’t sound extremely friendly either. Ryder was using his Princely Voice and trying to keep his dignity during the first meeting.

"It’s true. They are moving. They are also restless about the appearance of the Moon Scythe in the Demon Realm," Sulovan replied.

" What’s there to be so upset about then. They also have the inheritance weapon of the Death Emperor," Ryder replied casually.

"That’s the problem. The Royalty of the Death Domain doesn’t have the inheritance weapon. The power balance is shifting. The whole Death Domain is going through an internal turmoil. It has been Split up into two camps. One camp says that the bloodline of the Death Emperor should be the new emperor."

" The other camo says that the person chosen by the weapon of the Death Emperor is the one who got his real inheritance and the one selected by the Death Emperor to rule."

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