His Beautiful Addiction

Chapter 100 - Dirty Little Secret.

\'\'Mmm mmm, ha ha; easy baby, I\'m not going anywhere!\'\'

\'\'How do I take it easy when you\'re leaving today? \'\'

The man moaned against Michelle\'s lips as he kissed her to the bed.

\'\'ha ha, you\'re so petty! Alright, hurry before someone comes in, did you lock the door? \'\'

She asked and he nodded quickly as he riled her gown upwards.

Tiana froze, her bodily hairs standing erect when she saw the scene unfold before her. Slowly, she shut back the door and panted heavily, her eyes still wide open, realizing that she couldn\'t unsee what she had just seen.

She recognized the two people; the woman was Michelle, undoubtedly; but the man with her, Tiana\'s hand flew to her lips when she realized that the family wasn\'t as simple as they appeared.

How could Michelle be having an affair with her brother in-law?

How could she sleep with Elizabeth\'s husband and still have the guts to see her every day?

How… how could he cheat on his wife with her brother\'s wife?!

Tiana held her head as she felt a piercing headache seeping in,

What kind of family is this?

She wondered as she remembered all the family dinners and sit-together, although she knew their smiles were pretentious, she never thought something like that could be going on.

God! You won\'t even suspect a thing!

Michelle barely spoke to Charles, and she had never seen Charles alone with her. Wow, such top-tier concealment!

He was always sweet to Elizabeth and he barely spoke, how would she have known that she would hear him speak so much in a matter of seconds?!

And Michelle, could she get any lower?

To think they were even doing that in the ancient home, all atom of morality flown out of the windows!

Tiana stood against the wall as she thought, suddenly a thought entered her mind, and she turned to the door again. Dropping the wine bottle quietly, she turned on her camera, making sure to remove the flash and put it on silent; raisin her hand to the door, she opened it quietly.

Tiana stuck out her head and took a look, seeing that they were still engrossed in their love-making, she took a few shots with her phone and closed the door quietly. She waited a moment and when she did not hear any footsteps approaching, she heaved a sigh of relief.

 This was clearly not any of her business and she shouldn\'t get involved, but it was a trump card against Michelle, that woman was a very sly person, she wasn\'t sure of what she would want to do in the future, so having these pictures, she would be able to control her without even raising a finger.

Tiana smiled as she imagined the look on that her proud face when she tabled her secret.

Tiana waited a few more minutes before the duo completed their mission and left; she put her ear against the door and when she didn\'t hear any sound, she opened the door a little and after she confirmed that they had really left, she stepped out of the other room.

She waited a while, before she finally left the room and walked back downstairs.

\'\'Tiana, where have you been, I\'ve been waiting, didn\'t you see the wine? \'\'

Grandma asked, her brows creased, seeing that she had taken a lot of time.

\'\'I\'m sorry, \'\' Tiana said, handing her the wine, \'\'I forgot the floor, so I had to look a while, before I got the correct floor. \'\'

Grandma inspected the drink and when she saw that it was the right one, she smiled;

\'\'Okay dear, Nicklaus is outside if you are looking for him. \'\'

Grandma pointed out with a sweet smile on her slightly wrinkled face;

\'\'Oh, okay,\'\' Tiana replied, looking outside briefly. \'\' I want to use the restroom first; I\'ll be out in a minute. \'\'

Tiana, who didn\'t know that Grandma knew of their pretense tried to find a reason to hide away, and turned to go back up but grandma, stopped her;

\'\'You don\'t need to go all the way back; there are restrooms on the first floor. \'\' Grandma replied sincerely. Although she knew she was trying to run away, she didn\'t want her to have to trek back up just to ease herself, when she could equally do it downstairs. 

\'\'Oh, ha ha, I forgot. \'\' Tiana smiled and turned around, walking towards the restroom.

But just when she walked into the long passage of the restroom, a hand held her arm and turned her around;

Tiana\'s brows creased in shock when she noticed who he was;

\'\'Richard? \'\'

\'\'You and I both know you don\'t want to ease yourself? \'\' he asked with a slight smirk and Tiana\'s eyes blinked;

\'\'What are you doing here? \'\'

She asked, tactfully avoiding the question.

Richard laughed happily, as though he had won a Grammy, his hand coursing through his hair;

 \'\'I knew it! I knew it was all fake! \'\'

\'\'What the hell are you talking about, Richard? \'\'

Tiana asked, getting slightly irritated; when Richard saw that she was not finding his joke funny, he stopped laughing.

\'\'You look amazing, by the way. \'\' he spoke commenting on her dress.

Earlier, he had watched her and grandma speak and he saw her uneasiness, his fears were confirmed.

If they were really in a relationship, she should have been with him at that moment, but there she was trying to run away.

Tiana rolled her eyes at him, and then turned around to continue to the toilet.

\'\'Well, I think you should know that everyone knows about you guys already, we\'re just enjoying the show. \'\' Tiana\'s steps faltered and in the next second she turned around;

\'\'Earlier, I thought we could be friends, but now I see, you are… \'\'

She wanted to say …no different from your mom,\'\' but she stopped herself just in time. Thinning her lips tightly, she continued; \'\'I\'ll like it if you mind your business, this is our last day here, \', sure you don\'t want to end it getting on people\'s bad sides. \'\'

With that she turned around and entered the restroom.

The apple really doesn\'t fall too far from the tree. Michelle stuck her nose into other people\'s businesses and so does her son. What a bad trait to inherit!

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