The Editor Is the Novel’s Extra

Chapter 102

“It’s because I can afford it. The remaining amount can be paid in installments during our work, so I hope you keep it in mind.”

“Why are you doing this for me?”

“I am Fran’s friend, as are you. I don’t want that friend’s dream to be stranded in this way. Is it wrong that it’s personal and childish?”

“…It isn’t. All motives start from private places, and trivial things can change the world… Mr. Robert used to say that.”

Bartleby’s eyes glistened as he remembered Robert, the man who had led the Flag for twenty years before his death. The old printer’s hand was warm as it held Kleio’s tightly. He really didn’t know how to behave in moments of such strong emotion, and Kleio awkwardly looked away. It wasn’t like he had done it because of some good intentions, but rather he had his own calculations.

‘If this print shop goes under, I won’t be able to contact Fran. Mr. Bartleby won’t be able to work as hard as he is now if he’s struggling to stay up. Besides, when Fran writes something to persuade this world, where will he print it?’

Dione’s lips tugged upward in a smile as if to say, ‘Oh, see? You’re good at words when you try it.’


The progress of their work seemed to be sailing with a fine wind. Professor Maria Gentile was a sincere and diligent author, among the type that Kleio had met maybe three others in his lifetime.

‘Typewriters haven’t been commercialized yet, but in just two works, she has an almost perfect draft.’

The manuscript that Professor Maria wrote seemed to contain her true voice. The basic concepts of magic were described with interesting anecdotes in the professor’s friendly tone. He had asked her to write it as if she were speaking, and Professor Maria had expressed discomfort because it didn’t match Albion’s writing tradition. However, she organized it quickly.

‘It was a lecture book from the start, so she already had a structure optimized for writing.’

There was no need to hire a scribe to edit it at all. After checking the status of the manuscript, the first thing Kleio did was use his magic to duplicate the document on paper processed with copper. The original was then kept in a safe while the manuscript was reviewed over the week.

‘I’m worried my butt will fuse with this chair given how long I’ve been sitting.’

He stood up occasionally, often after he was hit by Behemoth, to stretch out his back. The rest of his time, however, was spent on the manuscript.

‘Ah, my head hurts, and my back’s sore from reading for so long.’

Kleio, stretching out his back with a cracking sound, adjusted the final order of the chapters, and headed over to Grayer’s shop to organize it for editing.




“Here’s the contract signed by Professor Maria. She agreed to leave the editing to us completely. The publisher registration certificate is here.”

Grayer’s secretary, Levi, was waiting with Dione in the parlor. He quickly accepted the burden after taking one look at Kleio’s complexion.

‘This kid is weak but works like this.’

Dione was thorough in all matters related to Kleio, but Levi, unaware, thought this boy’s appearance was unusual.

‘It’s different from what they look like. Both of them.’

They skipped the greetings and arrived at the main point.

“The work process is very fast, but isn’t it too much?”

“I had to leave for practice soon, so I wanted to finish the rough composition and elementary editing before then. I think it would be best to publish before the weather warms up more.”

“Oh, books certainly sell less in the spring. Maybe you know all about that.”

“Yes, Mr. Levi. You shouldn’t be fooled by the young master’s appearance. I don’t know what’s hiding inside. Anyway, it’s enlisted in a field that you know well.”

“It’s an urgent schedule, but thank you for taking care of it.”

“Not at all.”

“Yes, Lei. Many people will work if the facilitation fee is doubled.”

“No, wouldn’t anyone be the same?”

It was clear from Gideon Asel’s record, and it was something he had learned in his previous work life, which felt dark now.

‘If a proper deposit isn’t made, won’t the performance show that?’

Money was the number one thing to cause the cogwheels of business to roll.

‘I think I will have to continue to worship money, given how useful it is.’

“Then, can I look at the manuscript first? It sounds like it will be very interesting.”

As Kleio nodded, Levi opened the manuscript envelope with interest.

“The publisher is registered under Mr. Levy’s name. Because of that, there are more documents to prepare, so I itemized the name cost in the editing and production items. Check it out.”

“I don’t doubt you took good care of it. Don’t worry about expenses; write them out as necessary and collect receipts while I’m away. Thank you.”

“Oh, you said you were leaving tomorrow? There’s one set of thermal boots left in the warehouse, and I’ll give them to you. Make sure to take them.”

“Ah, then, I’m grateful.”

While Dione left for the warehouse, Levi began reading the manuscript at a tremendous pace. It wasn’t long before Levi, turning the last page, sighed in satisfaction.

“Generally, magic books are hard theory books of third-class articles, but you’ve made an excellent selection structuring the manuscript this way.”

“It is thanks to Professor Gentile’s great lectures.”

“Miss Dione said that even though she also attended the Defense Force school, you were the only one who could think of this.”

“She’s overcomplimenting me. It was because Professor Zebedee’s class was too intense to follow, but then Professor Gentile’s was easy to understand. It just happened to be some good timing.”

Kleio only relayed the facts, but Levi’s face seemed strangely enthusiastic as he regarded him.

“Surely, you’re as humble as I hear. Even though you have a great eye, you’re not trying to reveal it at all. The publisher’s name as well…”

‘No, I don’t want to attract attention. Particularly from Melchior or Aslan.’

Levi fell into his own thoughts, unaware of what Kleio was thinking. Kleio Asel, the hero of the capital, was a famous but still mysterious figure. He seldom appeared in public and never showed off or boasted of his skills. No, rather, he seemed reluctant to do so.

‘I thought he was timid, but… at his young age, he’s calm like an adult. He’s a difficult person to understand.’

“Anyway, this manuscript looks very promising. It’s been a long time, so I’m happy to be able to work on this book. Thank you for the opportunity.”

“No, I’m grateful you’re taking over the work while I’m busy.”

Levi organized the manuscript, had a sparkle in his intelligent eyes.

‘Well, he’ll do the job well because he’s so motivated. Now I have to head back and pack my luggage.’

The day of departure for the Tristein Estate would be tomorrow.




He was on his way back with the winter boots Dione had given him, which had fur on the inside and treated soles that prevented slipping. The newsstands along the street were crowded, so Kleio stopped to see what all the fuss was about. Intense headlines were on the titles of several newspapers.

-In the eastern mountainous regions, the action of the demons!-

-Abnormal phenomenon at the end of the century-

-Are the Great Evil Ages from a thousand years ago being recreated?-

As it was referencing a remote area from the capital, the tone of the newspapers was more interested than desperate.

‘Few people in Lundane actually saw Varg, so they don’t have a real sense of how scary it is. I’m guessing it won’t stop the student practice.’

Mountain beasts had begun attacking households, and the weather was strange, so it seemed that the beasts had started to move. It was very unwelcome news for Kleio, who was departing for the north tomorrow. The timing was a bit early, but the progress was the same as the last manuscript. The beasts were buried in the form of broken mana stones in the depths of the mountain ranges, and now they were awakening after the Door of Mnemosyne opened.

‘Although, people continued to dig, process materials, and carry on despite that…’

The awakening of the beasts was a crisis for the entire Dernier continent. There would even be beasts in the middle of Lundane. Knights and wizards tried to remove the mana stones before they became demons, but they were impossible to find even with etheric sensitivity. Fortunately, the beasts couldn’t reproduce, so after a few years of hardship, they would be caught and slain. The kingdom of Albion would be the first country to eradicate the demons on the Dernier continent successfully.

‘Arthur became a named hero through his efforts slaying them. I know it’s a necessary development, but… Oh, no, really.’

Kleio scraped the changes from his pockets, handing it over to the newsstand owner as he grabbed a copy.

“Please give me a copy of everything from -Lundane Standard- to -Presentia-.”

“Oh, thank you, sir! The beasts are quite worrisome!”

“Yes, I am rather concerned.”

“But the knights are active, so they’ll be caught in no time!”

“That would be great.”

He really hoped so. He desperately hoped he wouldn’t have to use magic himself or that those children wouldn’t need to struggle to kill the demons.

‘Though I doubt it. Since the country is in the middle of an upset, the Defense Force’s magic team will be busy. I’ll have no choice but to stop by and see Ezra after training.’

When Kleio returned home, he sat in his bedroom and began to read the newspapers. Among the attention the most.

-The black flame of the second prince hinders the advance of the beast-

-Presentia-, one of the more reputable papers, published a full-length article with an unusually five-fold article. The figure of Aslan jumping before a beast with his sword was fiercely depicted. Newspaper prints of this era were all black and white, so neither his black hair nor dark eyes came off as strange on it. Aslan’s performance was admirable, and it didn’t seem the newspaper was telling any particular lies.

‘He’s a 7th-level swordsman, after all.’

Kleio concentrated on the article. Aslan’s coldness has been written as calm determination, and his arrogant and strict disposition was taken as the dignity of a prince leading the Duke Cruel’s knights to victory.

‘Somehow, this news about Aslan is making me more anxious.’

At that moment, Mrs. Canton, who was usually always calm, entered his bedroom with a somewhat embarrassed expression.

“Young master, I’m sorry you’re busy, but could you please come down to the reception room for a moment?”

“Ah, yes. What’s going on?”

“The older master has arrived. He said that he wanted to see you right away.”

“…Yes? Without contacting me in advance?”

Vlad Asel, the eldest son of Gideon Asel and his so-called brother, as well as the heir to the Asel family, hadn’t sent so much as a letter since the fall’s disturbance. It was difficult to guess why he had arrived so suddenly.

‘I briefly talked to Gideon on New Year’s, but he didn’t seem interested. Why?’

“It is said he was unable to contact you because he was stopping by after completing a large deal in Krater.”

The sudden appearance of Vlad, stubbornly declaring he had to see Kleio right away, seemed to have worried Mrs. Canton, who was sweating. Seeing that, Kleio felt unhappy, as he was rather fond of the always kind Mrs. Canton.

‘No wonder. It seems that brotherly attitude is seen only in front of his father or a business partner.’

Kleio wasn’t surprised at all. Vlad Asel’s strangely friendly personality felt suspicious.

“Okay, Mrs. Canton.”

With his newspaper closed, Kleio quickly moved to the parlor.

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