The Editor Is the Novel’s Extra

Chapter 90

Until the rule of Absalom II, the grandson of Absalom I, the noblemen led by Saville, enjoyed more power than the king. Only Isiah Sergey entered seclusion against the regent Saville. Absalom II, who was born in Brunnen, conquered western Brunnen and advanced on Lundane. He reclaimed the crown, proclaiming that he was the true descendant of Leonid the first. That was the return of the dynasty.

At that time, the knights and commoners supported Absalom II, and the lords of the Albion border regions were newly appointed, called the new nobility. Unlike the old nobles, who had separate titles, the new nobles made their surnames their titles in the Brunnen way. Now that time had passed, the old nobles were usually called by the title of their surname instead of their official title. Regent Saville, who commanded the world for a time, died childless, and his title was left. However, as Absalom II also died young, he couldn’t establish his kingship firmly. Since then, more than a century had passed, and now Albion had a triad system with the common people.

Dione continued to explain while Kleio looked back on what he had learned in history class to understand the dynamics among the visitors.

“Oh, fourth row on the left. Chairman Benjamin Beaton is also here!”

Kleio recognized the gentleman with a cane from the royal advisory committee.

“Chairman Beaton is a supporter of Melchior.”

In the manuscript, after ‘that’ occurrence, Benjamin Beaton turned to Arthur’s command.

“There are many reasons for him to be here, whether it’s to look at future talent or see the youngest prince who has just emerged as a competitor- Ooh…!”

Dione stopped talking and leaned forward as if to look closely. Even from a distance, he could hear the murmuring in the audience. Kleio followed her gaze, increasing the intensity of his Perception. There was a tall, dark-haired young man who made all of the visitors stand up politely. That uneven gait, raised chin, pale skin, and cold expression belonged to someone familiar: Aslan Riognan. The second prince, who appeared belatedly with Pierce Klagen, was a person who exuded an aura of intimidation much different than Melchior’s. Kleio stiffened, more out of caution than fear.

‘Melchior has become a monster. It’s very likely that Aslan is twisted in a different way from the previous manuscript.’

Aslan’s ether level was known as 7, and he would reach level 8 during the civil war to come.

‘But the last manuscript isn’t a comprehensive report of what happened. At this point, it’s closer to the history described in Arthur’s point of view…’

The process of Aslan reaching the 8th level was described confusingly as ‘an unclean way stained with darkness,’ with no further details.

‘If it’s a random villain meant to lose to the protagonist anyway, so that’s okay to explain it that way, but couldn’t you have given me a bit more?’

Assassins, Hydra Poison, human experimentation… It was heartbreaking, but Aslan was by no means a light opponent.

‘Aslan’s the one that wishes to see Arthur harmed the most. It’s no black comedy.’

Dione, who examined the late visitors a beat after Kleio, chattered with a higher tone.

“Prince Aslan! Today’s visitors are really gorgeous. This is the first time the school has had such luxurious visitors.”

“Well, it would be rare for the third prince to show off his swordsmanship.”

Pierce Klagen took his seat alongside the judges shamelessly, dressed in a decorated uniform. His thick eyebrows and cultivated mustache seemed to hide his good looks.

“It’s not unusual. Ever the opportunist, Sir Pierce sent agents already. Originally, the royal family didn’t go to this school. Arthur was the first to go to a school where commoners study.”

“…Is that so?”

“Wow, what do you do when you read the newspaper? You still know so little. Immediately after the prince joined, there was a disturbance. It was about whether or not to abide by the regulations of the Defense Force school, which omits honorific titles for current students.”

“It’s because I was stuck in my room for a while.”

He had been studying pretty hard about this world, but there was only so much he could do about the gaps in his knowledge.

‘The original owner of this body was a hikikomori who hated people, so I can use that as my excuse.’

It was then that a tremendous shout poured down upon them from the audience.


“Arthur! Arthur! Arthur!”

The semi-finals of the swordsmen class began while Kleio had been distracted and then ended just as abruptly. The second-year representative was staring at his sword that had flown out of the exam arena.

“First-year representative Arthur Reignan won!”

It was surprising that the first-year beat the second-year. Indeed, even the winner was awkwardly scratching the back of his head. Since Kleio had been with him long enough now, he could read the subtle cues even though his expression was the same.

‘…It seems that Aslan’s sudden appearance caused him to fail to control his power.’

The final exam was to be held between the fourth-year and the first-year representative. It was the highlight of the day that all the visitors had been anticipating.

“The final of the swordsmen class. Ras Abelmann, Arthur Reignan, get ready.”

Dione once more turned her opera-glass to the test site. If the confrontation between Isiel and Arthur had been a place to compete for pure swordsmanship, this match seemed to be a bloody duel with all their skills. As soon as the game started, Ras Abelmann pulled out his sword and took the lead. Promise raised familiar golden letters above his head.

[4th level swordsman]

The physique of the young man overwhelmed Arthur. It was possible for swordsmen to overcome a one-level difference depending on the body type or the skill of the swordsman. Arthur was in good physical condition for his age, but he still seemed to be a young boy compared to the fourth-year. His foe’s sword came swinging in, and Arthur had no choice but to raise his own blade. The two swords collided, entangling and releasing all in an instant. Dione clicked her tongue as she watched.

“I studied the sword quite seriously, but I can’t grasp the flow of this match at all. I want to see what’s going on!”

Kleio was at the level he could keep up with the movements by borrowing Perception’s power, so Dione’s frustration was understandable.

“They’re exchanging attacks, but both their guards are tight.”

“Both of them seem to be using magic to feel things out.”


Though Kleio didn’t know much about swordsmanship, Arthur was showing off his martial skills. Whenever their swords collided explosively, cheers erupted from all around them. But something was off. Usually, Arthur’s movements were concise without any waste.

‘So why is he adding those unnecessary movements now…?’

The answer became clear a moment later. It was likely due to the second prince’s presence, whose sharp eyes remained on the fight. Only the second prince remained separate from the excitement as his expression was cold. Arthur had a good head, so he wouldn’t show all his strength in front of his brother.

‘After destroying a remembered world and saving that soprano singer, to be defeated by a fourth-year student… He will be suspicious he’s hiding his skills.’

So, he was dealing with the fourth-year representative with splendid but lax movements that were bigger than necessary, with his sword half the usual brightness and length of what he was capable of. Kleio had to admire Arthur’s acting ability, knowing how powerful and brilliant his ether could become when he tried his best. Arthur stepped forward, pretending to attack Ras’s head, but then quickly stepped once more, pulling his sword from the opposite direction. He cut through his foe’s shoulder, spilling blood.


It was a shallow wound, but Ras pushed forward, launching continuous attacks with tremendous power in response. It was an attack beyond the point of just a test. Ether [Strengthening] could overcome almost any difference in muscle strength, but the difference in physique and power behind that two-handed sword pushed Arthur’s back. Reflexively, Arthur’s sword elongated as he hit Ras’s blade from below.


The swords collided with an explosion, turning the test site white for a moment. The next, Ras was rolling on the floor while Arthur had a frustrated expression. The boy seemed to be aiming for the proper timing for his defeat, but he hadn’t held back at the last moment.


A tremendous cheer rocked the school. The slim boy had overthrown the bulky senior, causing even the servants gathered nearby to shout in excitement.

“Arthur Reignan, the final winner of the 1890 Defense Force School’s second-semester exams. This ends all evaluation schedules.”




Professor George Naor, in charge of the swordsman classes for the upper grades, collected the score sheet as he spoke to Rosa with a mix of admiration and jealousy.

“It’s amazing that he’s level 5 at that age, but he’s already incomparable to the average level 5 knight. Your teaching is too good.”

“No, Arthur was originally outstanding. After enrolling, he just hadn’t been able to focus on his studies for a while.”

Pierce suddenly interrupted the two’s heartwarming conversation.

“Well, his basics are poor, but it’s not too visible.”

Professor George responded grimly.

“Hah, when did you see his sword? Even though Professor Rosa’s been holding a sword since she was three, this is a student who’s too powerful to believe.”

“Why is it so difficult for you to believe? If that kid is really as good as you say, wouldn’t he be able to get along the correct way?”

Pierce Klagen, head of the knights of the Capital Defense Force, glanced over at Aslan in the observer’s seat. He hadn’t seen the previous game, so he judged Arthur only by looking at the finals. In that test, Arthur seemed particularly concerned about Aslan watching. George’s brow rose sharply as he noticed the look.

‘The country’s first knight commander is behaving like this. I feel my mouth is rotten for calling such a person a lord.’

“So, does Lord Pierce have any intention of putting down the post of knight commander and teaching?”

George Naor had a distant relationship with such a career, being a member of the Tristein knights and reaching level 7 in his early forties. He retired after receiving a leg injury while on duty, and at the recommendation of Tristein, took over as a professor at the Defense Force school. Being a person who lived upright, he couldn’t see Pierce Klagen as a figure of authority, given how he changed positions according to the direction of power even with his level 8 skills. Wasn’t Pierce the one who killed King Edward, even though he was [Covenanted] as a loyal knight?

‘Professor Rosa is a saint for keeping her composure in front of the man who stabbed her in the eye.’

Pierce laughed openly in front of George as he stared at him. He then brushed the tip of his mustache.

“I’m not old enough to let go of my sword yet, but I’d be willing to take the time to teach him at least once, but what do you think?”

“It doesn’t seem like the noble lord will do it himself, so leave the education to our faculty.”

“Since the university is an organization that serves as the basis for the knights, it cannot be said that I have no responsibility.”

George and Rosa looked at each other in embarrassment. Pierce showed no signs of withdrawing, but a cold voice then interrupted them.

“To accept the favor of Marquis Pierce…”

It was Aslan, who had arrived at the judging table at some point. George was surprised that he couldn’t even sense the presence approaching them, though they were of the same level.

“Well, your majesty…!”

“It would be an honor if he could receive the instruction of the commander of the Defense Force. Wouldn’t that vulgar behavior improve?”

“In that case, it would be better to give a lecture on a formal date. Today’s schedule is concluded…”

“Marquis Pierce has an important role in defending the capital. He doesn’t have enough free time to spend as much time as he wants with the students.”

Professor Rosa looked at Aslan and Pierce with complex emotions filling her eyes. This wasn’t impulsive behavior on Pierce’s part. From the start, the second prince and the knight commander made some plans to visit the school. A noblewoman deprived of her territory and now only a teacher, she couldn’t stop the second prince who carried the queen’s power.

Aslan wanted Pierce to confront Arthur.

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